The harp

The Harp, an instrument descended from the bow, has existed since the time of the Pharaohs and has been a part of the musical culture of countries around the world, albeit with different names and forms. The classical harp as we know it today, attained its form and structure in France during the early nineteenth century thanks to Sébastien Erard, harp maker and contemporary of Queen Marie-Antoinette, a harpist herself.

It is a unique instrument, which sounds delicate like the blossoms of the cherry tree in spring, inspiring like the flight of the swallow, melodic like the song of the nightingale and rhythmic like the chirping of the crickets of a summer night, sweet like a fruit, romantic like a red sunset in autumn, bright like the stars, quiet and subtle like the movement of the trees, crystalline like river water, and engulfing like the mysterious Lleidatan fog in winter.


El Horta de Lleida, patrimonio agrícola productivo de unas 6.500Ha, rodea, caracteriza y da personalidad a la ciudad de Lleida, al igual que lo hacen la Seu Vella y el Río Segre. Es la despensa de abastecimiento de fruta y verdura de primera calidad para los ciudadanos, a la vez que regulador térmico y verdadero combatiente del cambio climático.

Es un paisage singular, gran sinfonía de colores, sonidos y olores donde coexisten, de forma natural, harmonía, ritmo y melodía: un marco único para acoger la sensibilidad de arpistas de todo el mundo que tendrán el privilegio de añadir el canto de sus dedos a esta partitura lleidatana.

The workshop

The International Harp Workshop “Arpa Horta de Lleida” aims to unite the rich qualities of a magical instrument with those of an agricultural landscape.

The workshop started with a four-year cycle that permitted participants to discover the different faces of this location changing over time, to explain the passing of time through music and nature and to experience the relationship between agri-culture and music-culture, between time and space and, between sound and silence…

The VIII workshop will be held from June 20th to June 30th 2019.